3 roommate necessary, boy student
19x35 square fit, running furniture show room,besi...
3rd floor, room1, attach bath, kitchen1, belkoni, ...
4th floor, room1,dinnig1,kitchen1,bath1
3rd floor, bed room :- 3.\r\n din...
3rd floor, bed room :- 2.\r\n din...
urgently required one room with attach bath and ki...
3 room with drawing and dining room , 2 bathroom. ...
2 rooms, 1 shared guest room, 2 toilets and 1 kitc...
ground/1st floor: its has 2 bedrooms, 1 dining, 1 ...
flat room area 16x12ft, 2 room ,1 birthroom,1 ki...
1. 1 single room is rented with attached bathroom ...
1900 sft.1st floor.
3 bed, 4 bath, servant room, drawing, dinning, 6 b...
3 bed, 4 bath(including servant), drawing,dinning,...
the flat is of 2500 sq feet, fully furnished. 4 be...
house rent\r\n \r\n215,sultangonj road rayer baza...
1400 sq-ft.,3 bedroom apartment for rent in dhanmo...
2 bedroom 2nd floor apartment for rent at 167 kowl...